It’s that time of year when people are thinking about where they might want to spend the holiday season. Unless you live in a rental property, you probably need to start thinking about how to prepare your home for guests. If you will be entertaining out-of-town guests, you may need to prepare your property to be shown. homeowners with a fair cash offer for their property.
Here are tips for preparing your home for showings and tours.
Decorations and Cleanliness
Holidays are a great time to go decorate, but you don’t need to go overboard. You are not renting your home out yet. If you do have the time, you can make your house look nice. You will want to make the outside of your house look nice because that is where strangers will come in contact with your home. If you live in a neighborhood you can plant poinsettias and try to use holiday decorations. You want to be as festive as possible but also try to keep it clean because you still don’t want your house rented out yet.
Allergen Information
If you are going to have house guests, you need to give them allergen information. This can be found at the Department of Housing and Urban Development website. You want to warn your guests of the allergen information so they are not surprised when they enter the house. When you have visitors staying at your home, they will want to know what kind of climate controls are going on in the house. If you have a humidifier on, you need to tell people how often it is being used.
Reception Area
If you are having a large party, you will want to have a reception area. This is where people first enter the house. You can be creative with this space and make it more festive. Tiki torches and holly staked on the wall will make the room feel more festive. If you want to get into the Christmas spirit, try lighting up a Christmas tree or putting a wreath on your front door. There are many decorations that are inexpensive but add a great deal of seasonal flair to your home.
Little Extras
If you have room in the house, you can also add other decorations. You can put small poinsettias around the house with some candles in them. If you have a fireplace, place some fake logs in there and light them up for extra ambiance. These small decorations will not take a lot of time or effort but they will make your home look more festive. You may also want to see if you can hire a cleaning crew to come into your home and clean things up.